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Our IGBT Drivers Products:
SCiCoreDrive22 is a 2-channel driver designed to allow the firing of IGBTs up to 1200 V. Suitable for any architecture that included half-bridges, full-bridges or three phase bridges of IGBT’s with a DC-link until 900 V covering a wide range of applications: inverters, converters, renewable energies, traction, welding, UPS, etc.
SCiSwitchDrive11 is a MOSFET & IGBT firing board which implements the usual gate driver functions. It has been designed for making DC solid state relays (through the connection of a power MOSFET in the output). It provides a galvanic isolation up to 3000 VAC between input and output.
SCiCoreDrive62 is a 6-channel driver designed to control trhee-phase bridge inverters with IGBT’s or MOSFET up to 1200 V. Incorporates an internal DC-DC converter for each channel. Includes an VCE monitoring of IGBT, it provides the protection of this one in case of failure by soft turning- off the IGBT, and sending an optically isolated feedback fault signal. It also provides an under voltage lock out protection to avoid trigger the IGBT with insufficient gate voltage.
SCiCoreDrive72 is a 7-channel driver designed to control three-phase bridge inverters + brake arm with IGBT’s or MOSFET up to 1200 V. Incorporates an internal DC-DC converter for each channel. Includes an VCE monitoring of IGBT, it provides the protection of this one in case of failure by soft turning- off the IGBT, and sending an optically isolated feedback fault signal. It also provides an under voltage lock out protection to avoid trigger the IGBT with insufficient gate voltage.
SCiCoreLink62specially designed to interface SCiCoreDrive22. with 62mm power modules. Gate resistors are not included.
SCiCoreLink62E specially designed to interface SCiCore Drive22 with low profile pinned power modules. Gate resistors are not included.